Is there a recommended reading order?
No, because it depends what you are looking for!
If you are looking for more romance: Demon Queen Trials, Castle Hades (fallen angels), Sea Fae Series (fae), and Dark Fae F.B.I. (fae) are good bets.
If you want an urban fantasy with romance and serious mythology, check out Court of Shadows or Night Elves because they have has a good blend of romance, action and humor.
For more information about how some of the series are connected, scroll down.
Each series is self-contained, and you can read in any order.
Demon Queen Trials, starting with City of Thorns, takes place in modern Massachusetts and is a paranormal romance.
Castle Hades The Fallen and its sequels take places in an alternate Victorian version of London.
Cursed Prince takes place in a unique world.
Dark Fae F.B.I. takes place in a unique world. (all fae)
Shared World Series (Demons of Fire and Night)—Chronological order
If you want to know the chronological order of the books in the Demons of Fire and Night world, I can list it below. Feel free to read them this way if you like to go in order, but any order is fine.
Shadows and Flame (demons)
Infernal Magic
Nocturnal Magic
Primeval Magic
Eternal Magic
A Vampire's Mage (witches, demigods, vampires)
Magic Hunter
Witch Hunter
Blood Hunter
Divine Hunter
A Spy Among the Fallen (angels and fae)
Covert Fae
Black Ops Fae
Rogue FaeThe Shadow Fae (fae)
Court of Shadows
Court of Darkness
Court of Night
Court of DreamsQueen of Storms (fae)
Sea Fae Series (fae)
Are there recurring characters?
Yes. Bael, Caine, Rosalind, and Abrax appear in multiple books. Aenor appears in Dark King and Court of Dreams.
When is the next book coming out?
We aim to release a new book every three months or so. If you join our newsletter, we'll let you know on the day the next book is released.
How can I contact you?
We can be emailed at cn@cncrawford.com